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What is Love

This project is part of the Parsons "Time" class that is part of the first-year curriculum.

For this project, we had the opportunity to make a video about any topic that we wanted to and using any style and format. I decided to do a video essay that relates to the question: What is love? I went to Central Park to film different scenes and situations that, in my opinion, represented some form of love. It was important to me that this video didn't revolve around only romantic love, as I believe that there are many, more underrated, forms of love. Combining my own thoughts with the raw footage I had I wrote the following essay:

When it comes to love, we all think we know what it’s about

No one has to explain it to us.

But if we were asked “what is love?”

It would be almost impossible to come up with one common definition.

Even the dictionary can’t agree on only one; it has more than ten.

Some people describe it as:

listening to music

taking a morning stroll

moving slower

giving yourself a treat for no reason

being able to say “party of one”

filling a room with music

having fun doing the simplest things.

There are also moments that make us feel love

when we feel our presence in the world

when we are one with our body

when we are somewhere we always wanted to be

when we make every day a fairytale

when we realize we are living the life we’ve always dreamt of.

Some people express love

by painting the perfect picture

by creating mini versions of themselves

by holding tight

by walking hand in hand

while others wag their tails.

Love is having support

being independent

thinking about yourself as the main character of your own life.

It’s the light at the end of the tunnel

the umbrella in a storm

a shelter when it’s raining

water when it’s hot.

Love can freeze time

it can evaporate

It can add color

it can create a passion

It can create you

It is knowing how to be alone

having little moments with other people

meeting others with whom you become one.

Love is everywhere because it surrounds us

because we replay our favorite scene

because we eat good food

because we conquer our fears

because we dress up for ourselves.

Love is

beautiful and horrible

hot and cold

pleasurable and painful.

We all need and want some form of love

but how can we find something

if we don’t even know what we’re looking for?

I wanted the essay and the video to have a format that uses so many examples about what love is so that the spectator can see that love is really everywhere. I then used Adobe Premiere to create a video that had the essay as its subtitles. I added filters and color changes in order to mimic the effect of how I saw the world while looking for examples of love in central park. This is the final video:

The final part of the project was to create a printed component that accompanied the video. I created a folding zine that includes the full essay as a poster on one side and a book format on the other that complements the video. I designed the whole zine using Adobe Illustrator and printed each booklet on one piece of paper.


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